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Finding Work With Small Schools in More Remote Areas Near Temples

by David
(Brixton, London, UK)

Hi - Great site - thanks so much for all the
information....this may be an odd question, but do you ever hear of English language teaching positions coming up in or near the mountain temples - i.e. some more remote areas - away from the bustle? If so, can you provide any detail on how to find out more about these positions?

I work for a health NGO in Cambodia. I
have been looking for a bit of a change and recently spent a short break in Japan and it got the imagination kick-started… however after a bit of research it seemed some of the big schools (AEON etc.) are in big towns, near transport hubs etc and I preferred the idea of being in a remote area - a small town… hence my question to you...

So I guess another question for you would be how to find those smaller schools near temples - though I suspect (from the info on your website) that these are also the places that need fully qualified teachers - which I’m not.
Anyhoo - thanks again for a great resource :)


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Nov 17, 2016
Finding Teaching Jobs in Japan in Rural Areas
by: John

Nice to hear from the boy from Brixton and thanks for contacting us.Okay so it sounds to me like you want a quieter place to live and teach.

Umm... actually there are shrines and temples all over Japan, they literally dot the landscape. When we say dot, what do we actually mean? As of 2013 there are a total of 77,394 temples registered to the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Even the biggest cities
have them everywhere. Putting it another way, try finding a place to live where there isn't one is more of a challenge.

However when it comes to choosing a place to live most English teachers choose proximity to shopping and night life, nicer cafes and all the little niceties that larger cities offer. Now, I don't know anything about Brixton but in Japan trains are on time to the point of being able to set your watch to them. And they haul ass... to the tune of 150 km per hour if they are express trains.

Now about finding work, most small schools will publish ads in local publications. For example in Kobe, Kansai Flea Market carries a lot of ads for teaching positions in Kobe, Osaka and surrounding cities. Small schools rarely recruit from abroad. They rely on local ESL teachers for their staffing needs. And word of mouth carries a lot of weight in this area. The old adage of "it's not what you know buy who you know" rings true.

Now, in general and unlike large chain schools, Aeon, ECC, Nova Holdings etc. because they do so much internal recruitment many don't offer working visas but hailing from Brixton you can get a working holiday visa. For the benefit of other readers of your post, countries that are offered working holiday visas are: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Republic of Korea, France,Germany, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Norway,Portugal,Poland, Slovakia and Austria as of this year.

So you could easily find a job in a larger city and then blast out to the mountains or a rural area in mere minutes. Plus networking is so much easier in large cities so that important "word of mouth" element can help you out.

So if you have your heart set on living in the country side, then I would get planted in a medium size city, network like crazy while working for a larger school, keep your ears open and then make the move out to a rural location later on. So you are just taking a safer two step approach. We have a page on the differences of working for big vs. small schools that might interest you big vs. small ESL school

Hope this helps

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