by Lucius
First of all, thank you for the very informative website, I've found a lot of useful information here as I consider going to teach in Japan for a year. There was, however, something that I would like to ask about -- I found a few remarks here and there, but would like to know more about my options as technically a non-native speaker of English.
I am an Estonian. When I was seven, we moved to London for three years and I've been speaking English ever since. I later minored in English language and literature as part of my BA studies and I'm currently heading towards the completion of my MA in Foreign Language Teaching (specializing in teaching English). I am almost over with my courses, but I will not graduate before next year as I've yet to write my thesis. I'm currently teaching English as a Language Assistant in Spain and with my previous teaching experience in Estonia, I will have taught for a total of three years by the time I'm finished here this June.
There was recently, for the first time, an opening offered for one Estonian by the JET Programme. I applied, but did not get called up for an interview. Upon request, I was informed that my application was strong, but they had a couple of candidates who spoke high-level Japanese and that's where I lost out.
How does my situation look like to you? How should I approach finding a teaching position in Japan? Is Kyoto out of the question?
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